Bliss can only mean one thing..

Bliss: complete happiness, great joy, paradise, or heaven.

What is your idea of bliss? Is it an image of your family, laughing at the dinner table? Your latest finished piece of art, drying on the canvas? Or a state of total relaxation, as shown in the shot below of a swimming hole on a sunny day?


I am late with today’s Photography 101 assignment because my idea of bliss is something that I usually have in the evening! For everyone who just had naughty thoughts – shame on you! :p

As for me, I am almost ashamed to admit that my idea of bliss doesn’t involve anybody but me, myself and I. I treasure those twenty minutes in a candle lit bath with soothing music. It lets me drift away and forget all the stress from that day.

What's better than a hot bubble bath? Nothing.

What’s better than a hot bubble bath? Nothing.


OK, for the sake of not coming across as super selfish, here’s blissful option number two if #1 is not available:

A relaxing night in, eating pizza, watching movies and snuggling up to the boyfriend while it’s cold and raining outside 🙂

What’s your idea of bliss? Am I the only one being so selfish? 😉
